About Nasi:
I would like to welcome you to my page. Like some of you, my life has been an interesting exploration and I have been very fortunate to have experienced life as I have. Where I am right now is exciting and different. I started my journey in life as an alternative healing practitioner in 2003. In 1991 after a severe car accident the signs were obvious to follow this path, but I was very much involved with my job, career and education with Webster University in the United States of America. In 2003 it was my new life in the United Kingdom, health and other issues that made me realize it was time to look for something different than medication and I am very pleased I did.
My key values are integrity, caring and honesty, I like to work to these high standards with my clients.
I love to work with new clients to enable them to improve their wellbeing using the techniques and treatments that I offer.
I also offer tuition for those who wish to continue their holistic education with Access Bars, Energetic Facelift, Vision improvement training.
Nasi Renold
Access Body Process Facilitator and Practitioner of:
Access Bars,
Access Energetic Facelift,
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT),
Picture Tapping Technique (PTT),
The Reconnective/Reconnection Healing, and
BA in Communication, Avila University, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
+44. (0)178.232.2202