Access Bars
Bars can be used to facilitate change in all areas of your life. The Access Bars are 32 points on the head that when lightly touched clear all of the limitations you have about different areas of your life and body. These areas include money, aging, body, sexuality, joy, sadness, healing, creativity, awareness and control, plus many more. What would it be like to have more freedom in all these areas? The more you get the Bars run the more you begin to perceive how much effort it actually takes to function from thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
For more information click here
Access Energetic Facelift
Using energies of Access Consciousness, it is possible to lift and rejuvenate your whole body with soft, soothing touch on your face and neck. The Access Energetic Facelift reverses the appearance of aging on the face and creates similar effects throughout the body. With the energy flowing in the body, the muscles begin to relax and the skin begins to rejuvenate.
The Reconnective Healing
Reconnective Healing is about bringing a balance in one's life, whether it will be physical, emotional or spiritual. The proper healing will take place that is right for you in this moment in time whether physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. Only three sessions are recommended.
The Reconnection Healing
Once in a lifetime treatment which is done two days in a row. It brings you into connection and alignment with the Universe. It is done when you are looking to evolve and take a leap in your lifepath whether on a physical, emotional or spiritual area. We also include one session of reconnective healing as part of the whole process.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT is a mind/body technique where we use our fingertips to tap on a few specific acupuncture points on the face and upper body while focusing on a negative emotion, an unpleasant memory or an uncomfortable physical sensation. These easy steps lead to an emotional release and a shift in perception. The result of EFT is a noticeable reduction in negative emotions such as: stress, fear, anger, sadness, shame, guilt, and etc., and a corresponding rise in general well-being which often includes a decrease or resolution of physical symptoms.
Picture Tapping Technique (PTT)
PTT is used in conjunction with EFT. The client is invited to draw images (realistic or abstract) to represent the emotion or issue that is causing distress. Once the image has been drawn, we use EFT to deal with its content. Drawing the issue allows us to be-pass the critical and analytical parts of our brain and "converse" directly with the subconscious mind, the part that controls so many of our thoughts and actions. In other words, we use PTT to avoid getting too deeply mired in words, stories and discussions by quickly drawing images that show our perception of the problem.
Your body and you have capability to release and let go. We tap into the subconscious and conscious mind and ask them to talk to each other with the practitioner as an intermediary. It is not hypnosis, and no trance needed. It is a simple methodology based on how the brain processes things, so whilst we all store different information in our head, we tend to process things in the same way as everyone else. All we have to do is to change that old, useless out of date program by releasing it. This is beneficial on headaches, fibromyalgia, arthritis and etc.
Initial Phone Consultation is free.
Access Bars - £75.00 for the first session which lasts around 1.5 hours
Access Bars follow up sessions (around 1 hour) £50.00
Access Energetic Facelift - £50.00
Access Body Process - £50.00
The Reconnective Healing - £50.00
Reconnection Healing (which includes two sessions and a Reconnective healing session) - £333.00
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - £50.00
Picture Tapping Technique (PTT) - £50.00
OldPain2Go - £50.00
Payment due either in advance or on the day, cash or cheque.
Late cancellations (within 24 hours) will incur a £25 fee.
I am an Access Body Process Facilitator, practitioner and hypnotherapist. I do not purport to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The same applies in developing, promoting and facilitating. No claims or guarantees are made relative to specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for your own medical treatment and care.
If you are on any medications, please do not stop your medication. If you are under the supervision of a specialist or any medical doctor, please continue to do so.